Minimally invasive surgery, or MIS, has become the preferred method of spinal surgery in recent years. Minimally invasive spine surgery is the most technologically advanced and cutting-edge surgical technique available, and spine surgeons all over the country are taking advantage of its many benefits. Dr. Todd Gravori, director of renowned spinal surgery and treatment center ProMed SPINE in Los Angeles, along with his team of experienced spine surgeons, performs MIS surgical treatment in Valencia, Beverly Hills, and Encino when he feels his patients would benefit from spine surgery. Spine surgery is not always the correct choice when treating back pain, but when it would be beneficial, minimally invasive surgery is the best method.
MIS Surgical Treatment Valencia
Minimally invasive spinal surgery, in contrast to traditional open back surgery, requires only a small incision. This small incision allows the surgeon to insert an endoscope, which is a tiny camera that provides a view of the spine so that the surgeon does not have to cut open the back and cut through muscle in order to physically look at the spine. The endoscope allows the sur-geon to perform delicate surgical procedures without needing to make any unnecessary incisions that may lead to increased post-operative pain.
Minimally invasive surgery is the gold standard of spine surgery, as it has a large number of ben-efits over traditional open back surgery. The smaller incision results in much less scarring than the large incision of open surgery, which makes many patients happy. Plus, a smaller incision means that there is less blood lost during surgery as well as less of a risk of infection. Minimally invasive procedures can be done in as little as 45 minutes, and because general anesthesia is not needed, patients can go home much sooner after the procedure is finished.
Next, read about Microdiscectomy Procedure.